Welcome to the Perendale Sheep Society of New Zealand

The Perendale is an easy-care breed and will give your farming operation effortless lambing, good mothering and survival, plus excellent fertility with low losses from scanning to lambing. The lambs are easily finished to produce a lean, heavyweight carcass ideal for the chilled trade.
P rogeny Trials - 9 years
E mphasis placed on Meat and Wool
R eproductive Rate continues to climb
E we Longevity
N ew Zealand
D ual Purpose Sheep
A ccelerated Lamb Growth and Meat Yield
L eading Edge - Proven Performance
E nquiries always welcome
Breeders near you...
There are over 40 Perendale Breeders that belong to the Perendale Sheep Society located right throughout New Zealand.
Click link on the map to find your Perendale Breeder.
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Contact us
Perendale Sheep Society of NZ
Christine Roberts
021 235 1169